
Researchers across the globe have observed that there may be a unique mutation in the viral strain infecting the Indian population. And may be that is the reason why few countries are suffering large numbers of fatalities as compared to India.

“Innovation Is Key To Bring Down Cost Of Car-T Therapy In India”
Bengaluru headquartered Syngene International Limited, a global contract research organization, has announced the commissioning of the first phase of its new R&D centre in Hyderabad.

Top 5 Ways To Tackle The Outbreak
Top 5 Ways To Tackle The Outbreak

“Indian pharma industry likely to reach $100B and medical devices sector reach $50B by 2025”

“Council plans to set up Centres of Excellence”
Established in 2014, Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council (LSSSDC) is a Non-Statutory Skill Certification Body authorized by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India.

Marketing with an enticement, not a mallet : content marketing strategies for startups in biotech
Competing against the industry Goliaths that dominate the health and biotech industries can seem like an impossible task for a company in its infancy. Fortunately, small businesses and startups can build a competitive edge by combining innovation with an organized content marketing campaign. Small business owners simply need to be aware of the key challenges they face and combat those challenges through a strategic content marketing campaign aimed at health and biotech customers.

Karnataka to formulate new policy on Science and Technology
The Government of Karnataka is in the process of bringing out a Science and Technology (S&T) Policy, wherein it is proposing many programmes to support R&D in the state.

India proposes COVID-19 emergency fund for SAARC countries
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently interacted with the leaders of the SAARC countries through video conference to chart out a common strategy in order to combat COVID-19 in the region.

Top 6 Pharma Social Media Break Through in 2019
In a relatively short period of time, social media has reshaped communication for consumers and healthcare professionals alike.

India holds a major stake in the US market. Hence US Food Drug Administration (FDA) has imposed stringent regulations to meet the international regulatory requirement which further boosts number of inspections carried out at various facilities on Indian pharmaceutical companies. With the booming generics business, USFDA is keeping a sternwatch over the Indian pharma companies to safeguard the health interest of its population. The government of India has been adopting to stringent mechanisms to ensure the quality of drugs into the market. The Ministry of Health has been imposing a mandatory BA/BE studies for all the pharmaceutical manufacturing permissions. Government’s “Make in India” initiative is expected to deliver more safe, efficient and quality drugs into the market. With these and many more initiatives India will continue to be the powerhouse of pharmaceutical industry in coming years.

Era of partial replacement of doctors gaining impetus
Technology is assisting healthcare providers to make phenomenal gains by improving outcome in treatments by accurate diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Experts say that technological advancement in healthcare like adoption of digital pathology is expected to be the topmost choice in the healthcare industry, as it has proven to reduce the workload of physicians and clinicians. Additionally, it has also resulted in squeezing down the patient’s expenses due to more systemic approach in health systems enabled by technological developments.

'We are trying to learn and embrace technology as much as possible'
Novo Nordisk, a global healthcare company has recently appointed Vikrant Shrotriya as its new Managing Director & Corporate Vice President for the India business.
Keeps Your Risk Factors Under Complete Control
Sartorius introduced the very first Sartocheck ® Filter Integrity Tester in 1980 and over a period spanning more than 3 decades, Sartocheck ® Filter Integrity Tester evolved into an extremely sophisticated automated integrity test solution which is preferred by customers across the globe.
Medical devices need separate regulatory framework
Medical devices need separate regulatory framework
IVDs – The next big story after pharma
The Indian In Vitro Diagnostics (IVDs) sector, included under the Make-in-India initiative of the Government of India, has huge market potential and is witnessing double-digit growth.
The market of indigenous medical device and diagnostics is estimated at Rs 36,400 crore growing at 6 per cent for 2018-19.
Government's Nano approach for pharma industry
Nanotechnology is now known to be the game-changer when it comes dealing with the rising burden of various life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases along with others.
Diagnostic services in India: an untapped potential
With the second-largest population in the world, India also has a massive disease burden which has barred it from enjoying its demographic dividend optimally.

Digitization Improves Lab Supply Chain Management
Time is a major obstacle for the invention of a new product or for the development of a novel product from basic concepts. The time taken for an idea to be proved, prototyped and developed into beneficial invention determines the success of the product as there are multiple competitors existing in the market. As a result, scientists have to manage their time efficiently while executing their projects. However, unfortunately a lot of time is wasted when the required lab supplies such as reagents, kits, consumables, equipment etc. are not available while conducting crucial research experiments. Scientists often struggle in contacting the right biosuppliers, establishing trust with a new brand of product or facing delays in the delivery of an urgent material.

India Announces Major Tax Cuts To Boost Investment
USV Private Limited, an Indian multinational pharmaceutical, and biotechnology company based in Mumbai reacting quickly to the developments and leveraging on the government’s surprise corporate tax rate cut on September 20 announced that it will proceed with its investment of Rs 400 crore on a new state-of-art formulation plant at Vadodara in Gujarat.

'We Have Developed Over 15000 NCEs This Year'
A leading global Contract Research and Manufacturing Services (CRAMS) company in the area of drug discovery and development, TCG Lifesciences Pvt. Limited started its operations in 2001 in Kolkata and currently has a presence in the United States, Europe, and Japan.

'PPPs, CoEs Are Needed To Practice Precision Diabetes Care'
Roche Diabetes Care India, a pioneer in the development of diabetes management systems and services, has appointed executive from Novo Nordisk, Omar Sherief Mohammad as the new General Manager for its India business.

'India's Life Science And Healthcare Industries Are Some Of The Fastest Growing Sectors'
Promega Biotech India Private Ltd, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Promega Corporation USA started its operation in August 2014 in New Delhi has completed five years.

NDHB - Ambitious But Challenging
The vision of National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB) is to create a National Digital Health Eco-system that supports Universal Health Coverage in an efficient, accessible, inclusive, affordable, timely and safe manner, through provision of a wide-range of data, information and infrastructure services, duly leveraging open, interoperable, standards-based digital systems, and ensuring the security, confidentiality and privacy of health-related personal information. Although it appears to be a very ambitious project, a large number of obstacles need to be tackled for its successful implementation.

'FICCI Heal 2019 - Health Of Healthcare In India'
“No public-private demarcation for the agenda of improving healthcare in India”

Industrial Enzymes Market Growing At 7% Touches Rs 2360 Crore
The market for enzymes in India was relatively small compared to other sectors but it is picking up as compared to other markets in the world.

Micronclean Targets Sales Growth For Cleanroom Consumables In India With Biospan Contamination Control Services
In 2017 Micronclean partnered with Biospan to sell its Cleanroom Consumables into the rapidly expanding Indian Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Market. Together they formed a joint venture company Biospan Contamination Control Services so that customers in India could benefit from a product range that has been sold into over 30 countries in the last 5 years.

Shortage In Europe Of Oncology Drugs... An Opportunity For Indian Pharma?
Indian drug companies are facing strong headwinds due to prompt regulatory action of United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), likely imposition of Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) and delay in new drug approvals. Probably, it is the best time for Indian pharma companies to explore opportunities and business in the European market.

US FDA Warning Letters And Indian Pharma
Greater emphasis on quality will allow India to participate more fully in existing global venues such as the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) and the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme (PIC/S) – which will enable stronger collaboration and synergies among regulators. Quality is good for economic development, the market, and most importantly, patients and consumers everywhere.

Industry Needs To Work Closely With Indian Govt For Smooth Implementation Of GST
The new tax regime will contribute significantly towards every sector of economic growth, broad export expansion and without saying ample job opportunities. GST is collaborative approach and much awaited tax reform and it is a one more welcome step to move ahead towards more globalization. The roll out will yield many positive benefits but Companies will need to make major changes in their process.