Have you ever tasted an Indian Pasta or a Waffle Pizza? H We Indians like adding a little bit of fusion and quirk in everything, be it clothes, language or food. As much as we love our traditional cuisines, what's a dish without having some finger-licking twist? When cultures clash and flavors mash, everybody wins.
Unravel the Treasures of South Indian Cuisine @ Samudra
Traveling the world and experiencing the different cultures and cuisines is something we all dream about.
Imparting Global Values on Indian Roots
As an aspirational India looks to contribute in every aspect of the global economy and society, we are confronted with a pertinent question that begs an urgent answer.
Wockhardt Hospital's, Complex Surgery to treat A 22-year-old Accident Victim With Multiple Injuries
A team headed by Dr Sarang Deshpande, Consultant Orthopedic Surgery, Arthroscopy, Joint Replacement Surgeon & Mira Sports Medicine Specialist.
Mother's Day is approaching, So here are the couple of gifting options for from Quench Botanics.
Given a choice between fair skin and dark skin, most people would choose fair skin. But what if the choice was either fair skin or healthy skin, what would most of you prefer?
KMCH Conducts Free Health Checkup for Corporation Sanitation Workers
MCH, the multispecialty leading hospital has free in K Coimbatore, workers inaugurated the Health Checkup for Coimbatore Corporation sanitation on 27th Saturday.
Royal Care Super Specialty Hospital, started functioning as a 50 bedded multi speciality hospital from the 1st of May 2015 in the heart of Coimbatore city.
When you visit or plan to visit the City of Salem, India; the Most happening and a perfectly located City; that’s not only surrounded by an amazing array of Mountains guarding the city from all directions, combined with numerous places and locations for all type of leisure and holiday lovers; But, also in the very commutable distance with almost all major cities and towns in Tamil Nadu and other neighboring states; You should never miss the mesmerizing Stay Experience that you would get at HOTEL C J PALAZZIO, Salem City.
Dr. Doug's Offers Organic Skincare Solutions for a New Mom
The transition to motherhood is exciting, exhilarating, and deeply rewarding but it isn't easy. New moms face plenty of challenges as they adjust to their fresh parenting life.
Mushrooms Magnify Memory By Boosting Nerve Growth
Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered the active compound from an edible mushroom that boosts nerve growth and enhances memory.
इंटरक्रोपिंग खेती : दो या उस से अधिक फसले ले कर मुनाफा पाएं
कुछ किसानों के पास जमीन है, तो पानी नहीं. अगर पानी है, तो जमीन नहीं. और अगर दोनों हैं, तो नवाचार करने की क्षमता नहीं है. साथ ही साथ सरकारी योजनाओं का लाभ उठा कर कोई भी किसान उन्नत खेती कर सकता है, बस जरूरत होगी एक सही कदम की.
सेहत को सुधारे सहजन
सहजन ( वानस्पतिक ओलिफेरा) के बारे में हम सभी जानते हैं. इसे सीजना, सुरजना, शोभाजन, मरूगई, मरूनागाई, इंडियन हौसरैडिश आदि नामों से भी जाना जाता है. सहजन पूरे भारत में सुगमता से पाया जाने वाला पेड़ है. सहजन के पत्ते, फूल, फलियां, बीज, छाल आदि सभी का किसी न किसी रूप में प्रयोग होता है.
प्राकृतिक खेती कम लागत सुरक्षित उपज
प्राकृतिक खेती का मतलब बिना कैमिकल के प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का इस्तेमाल करते हुए खेती करना है, मतलब, किसान जो भी फसल उगाए, उस में फर्टिलाइजर कीटनाशकों का इस्तेमाल न करे.
बीज का महत्त्वे
अनाज के दाने का आधा या आधे से अधिक वह भाग जिस में भ्रूण उपस्थित हो, जिस की अंकुरण क्षमता अधिक हो तथा जो जो भौतिक एवं आनुवांशिक रूप से शुद्ध हो, साधारणताय उसे बीज कहा जाता है. कृषि के उत्पादन के कारकों में से एक बीज का अत्याधिक महत्त्व होता है.
नया रिवाज मोटे अनाज
पारंपरिक भारतीय अनाजों में स्वास्थ्य का खजाना छिपा है. बीते कुछ सालों में कई ऐसी फसलें खेतों में लगी हैं और फिर ऐसा खाना थाली में लौट आया है, जिन्हें कुछ वक्त पहले तक बिलकुल भुला दिया गया था.
सूरजमुखी में एकीकृत कीट प्रबंधन
तिलहनी फसलों में सूरजमुखी का विशेष महत्व है, क्योंकि यह फसल ताप व प्रकाश के प्रति संवेदनशील न होने के कारण इसे किसी भी मौसम खरीफ, रबी और जायद में उगा सकते हैं. साथ ही, इस के बीजों में 40-45 फीसदी तक उच्च गुणवत्तायुक्त तेल पाया जाता है.
वर्टीकल फार्मिंग - आज की आवश्यकता
बढ़ती जनसंख्या के साथ कृषि योग्य भूमि की कमी होती जा रही है. ऐसे में वर्टिकल फार्मिंग कम जगह में अधिक पौधों को लगाने का एक अनोखा तरीका है. वर्टिकल फार्मिंग को खड़ी खेती के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. यह खुले में हो सकती है. इस में इमारतों व अपार्टमेंट की दीवारों का उपयोग भी छोटीछोटी फसल उगाने के लिए किया जा सकता है.
From Brew To Bite; Wake Up And Smell New Coffee Flavours
The Rising Trend of Coffee Flavours
Wine Cellar Ideas For Your Prized Wine Collection
From contemporary cabinets for compact spaces to traditional wine-wall designs, Devati Mallick offers a primer on how to set up a functional home wine cellar
Rising to the Occasion: The Growth of the Indian Traditional Bakery Market
Traditional Indian breads are an important part of Indian cuisine. They have been a staple food in the region for thousands of years. With different spices and ingredients used, the flavours of traditional Indian breads vary from region to region. Know the varieties of traditional Indian breads, each with its own unique flavour and texture
Minimising Food Wastage with Dynamic Dating
Amid the current global trends surrounding climate change, waste reduction and economic growth, the complexity of the issue cannot be ignored. Responsible for 24% of greenhouse gas emissions, food waste has a substantial impact on the environment, one of the major contributors to climate change.
Modern Food Industry 4.0
Regardless of the business scale, the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) framework uses a remote sensor to collect data from machines and humans to boost productivity, promote better decision-making and create competitive advantages
Maximise Productivity and Reliability with Visibly Simple Foodborne Pathogen Detection
Following consultation with customers, Thermo Fisher Scientific's innovative enhancements to its Thermo Scientific Sure Tect food pathogen PCR system include the use of ergonomic tools and colour-coded plates and reagents to drive confidence in right-first time results
Perfectly Packaged Cheese - For Lasting Freshness and Premium Quality
Using vacuum or a protective gas during the packaging process is one of today's most common methods for hygienically packaging foodstuffs in portioned packaging that is attractive to consumers. Vacuum and protective gas both reduce the activity of oxygen-dependent microorganisms inside the packaging
Lamipak and Its Commitment to Sustainable Packaging
The world is shifting towards a future where demand is increasing for more sustainable innovation in packaging
Techwave Joins Force with WaterAid India's 'The Blue Mile' to Combat the Water Crisis
Techwave, a global IT and engineering solutions firm, joined hands with Water Aid India, a global non-governmental organisation, to support \"The Blue Mile\" program, which aims to increase awareness of water scarcity, sensitise individuals and encourage water conservation practices to help secure a safe and clean water supply for future generations
Enriched Gummies: Highly Flexible Apple Pectin for More Tolerance
A newly developed apple pectin provides a simple solution in the production of enriched confectionery that is numerous functional suitable for ingredients. An additional buffer is not required
Gears and Gear Racks Made from Polyamide
Gears and gear racks used for transmitting torque and forces within gearboxes are typically made of hardened steel. For many other uses and applications, gears and racks made from plastic are the better choice. These generally require no lubrication and are cheaper, lighter, quieter, and more resistant to corrosion than metal gears. That is why Ganter is expanding its range with polyamide gears and racks that can transmit high forces and torques
How Inspection and Traceability Provide Incentives for Food Safety
Food safety is a major concern for consumers and the food industry alike