Whānau up front
New Zealand Listener

Whānau up front

Concluding our series, REBECCA MACFIE is in South Auckland, where a community-led approach is bridging the gaps between struggling families and fragmented bureaucracy

10+ mins  |
August 5-11 2023
Meet the superannuant helping over-65s give back
New Zealand Listener

Meet the superannuant helping over-65s give back

A lightbulb moment led Liz Greive to found an innovative charity that's helping older New Zealanders tackle generational inequity.

2 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
Charged up
New Zealand Listener

Charged up

Wellington-based Shalini Divya is developing lithium-free battery technology as a way to tackle energy poverty.

5 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
'Our girl' scalped
New Zealand Listener

'Our girl' scalped

The demise of Kiri Allan draws sad and sadly predictable reactions from her political peers.

4 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
Banks for the memory
New Zealand Listener

Banks for the memory

Aninterrogation of one’s affairs by the bank manager, while less painful than interrogation of one’s root canal by the dentist, has seldom been a relaxing appointment.

2 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
Things worth keeping
New Zealand Listener

Things worth keeping

Duringa discussion at Goodenough College in London, a young American couple loudly held forth. They were due to fly home to Duluth, Minnesota, and were asked about the political situation.

2 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
Going backwards fast
New Zealand Listener

Going backwards fast

Something quite strange happened in London last month - the Conservative Party won a by-election.

2 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
With good reason
New Zealand Listener

With good reason

We need to teach our kids to have good arguments, says educationalist Hugh Kemp.

2 mins  |
August 5-11 2023
Sibling security
New Zealand Listener

Sibling security

Analysis of large populations indicates the more brothers and sisters you have, the less likely you are to go through divorce later in life

3 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Original source
New Zealand Listener

Original source

NICK DIGIOVANNI learnt grilled pizza-making at its birthplace and has one or two other gems in his repertoire

5 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Muscling in
New Zealand Listener

Muscling in

Healthy, active teenage boys should be able to get all their protein needs from food without having to resort to costly supplements

3 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Breathe easier
New Zealand Listener

Breathe easier

An annual asthma review as part of their standard healthcare could make a world of difference to the lives of many sufferers

3 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Reti, steady, go
New Zealand Listener

Reti, steady, go

If this year's election puts Shane Reti in charge of the health system, his famous DIY approach will be no match for a vast, dysfunctional bureaucracy

8 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Cult radio
New Zealand Listener

Cult radio

Three women with in-depth knowledge of cults have launched a homegrown podcast aiming to address issues here

7 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Out on their own
New Zealand Listener

Out on their own

New Zealand urgently needs a secular agency to provide specialised therapy and support to people coming out of cults

3 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
A place to call home
New Zealand Listener

A place to call home

Loss of land is at the root of Māori poverty, health, education and imprisonment data. But fresh efforts are enabling whanau to build homes, security and hope on shared ancestral land

10+ mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Sugar coating it
New Zealand Listener

Sugar coating it

Could harnessing the placebo effect make existing drugs and therapies more effective in treating pain and chronic conditions?

10+ mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
'It's not about the pain'
New Zealand Listener

'It's not about the pain'

Living with loss in her own life, Lucy Hone is dedicated to helping others cope with grief

5 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Treat the rich
New Zealand Listener

Treat the rich

As policies wither on the vine - wealth tax? What wealth tax? - the party machines crank out the slogans

4 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
The weakest link
New Zealand Listener

The weakest link

It was a Monday evening when Mum was taken from the rest home to the hospital, and one of only a handful of days this year on which I hadn't been to see her

2 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Guns on the run
New Zealand Listener

Guns on the run

Alen Moradian died alone and fast in a black Audi when the gunmen waiting in the garage of his Bondi Junction hideout fired

2 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Whenua at stake
New Zealand Listener

Whenua at stake

The 180-year legal case you might never have heard of goes before the High Court next month

2 mins  |
July 29 - August 4 2023
Life was a cabaret
New Zealand Listener

Life was a cabaret

Before becoming a distinguished documentary maker, ANNIE GOLDSON ran away to New York with Red Mole. Now, she's made a film about the avant-garde theatre troupe, tracing its genre-defying history

5 mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
What we know now
New Zealand Listener

What we know now

The story of knowledge transmission leads from scratches on clay to the big question of what happens to wisdom in the age of AI

3 mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
Ice box
New Zealand Listener

Ice box

A massive polar detector is being used to explore energy sources in the Milky Way

3 mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
At home with Freud
New Zealand Listener

At home with Freud

A walk through Sigmund Freud's home makes him human in a way that reading about him doesn't

2 mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
D for dementia
New Zealand Listener

D for dementia

A vitamin D supplement might help, but a healthy diet and active lifestyle may be our best defence against cognitive decline in older age

2 mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
Game on
New Zealand Listener

Game on

In world rankings, the contest kicking off on July 20 is billed as our biggest

10+ mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
'Not in my name'
New Zealand Listener

'Not in my name'

Israel has long hailed the pipeline between its defence forces and world-leading hightech export sector, writes PETER BALE, A new book joins the dots to its sustained occupation of Palestinian territories

8 mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023
Embrace & innovate
New Zealand Listener

Embrace & innovate

In the second in her series on community-led responses to poverty, REBECCA MACFIE visits Porirua East, where a kindergarten group has blossomed into an all-ages health and development hub.

10+ mins  |
July 22 - 28 2023