Resolutions for Resilience
New Year’s resolutions usually involve deprivation to change behavior and this can produce a negative and resistant mindset.
Yoga Can Increase Well-Being Through Meditation, Exercise, Spirituality
Central Florida Company Trains Canines to Detect Virus
Celebrating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month With the Facts
Overindulge Over the Holiday? Give Your Stomach a Little TLC
Foods can be our friend … or not, depending on health conditions.
2021 To a New Year and a New You!
This January, perhaps more than ever before, we need a fresh start.
Gain Of Function
How much risk of an accidental pandemic is too much?
Gates Versus The Pandemic
Without the efforts of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Covid-19 crisis would almost certainly be worse. But it's extensive role raises questions about how much we rely on philantrophy.
Clinical use of aromatase inhibitors
Contrary to expectations, medical professionals (such as physicians and researchers) learn from folklore developed within (sub)cultures, or from impassioned pursuits by laymen affected by a specific pathology.
The Healthy Prostate
A man’s risk of BPH increases with age. These science-backed supplements help prevent and treat the most common symptoms.
Boost Your Holidays with B Vitamins
They’re critical for mood, stress, and energy. Here’s how to support your body during the holidays (and all year long) with the Bs you need.
10 Tips to Enjoy Low-Sugar Holidays
For weight control and improved health, follow these strategies to keep your sugar intake to a minimum while still relishing the sweetness of the season.
Follow Your Heart
From their humble beginnings in a local sandwich shop, the creators of the original vegan mayonnaise (Vegenaise) remain true to their roots 50 years on.
Elderberry: Nature's Top Antiviral Herb
The science speaks for itself—elderberry works in a unique way to combat cold and flu viruses and strengthen immune function.
VITAMIN D SHOWS SUPER impressive results IN COVID-19
Results just in from a hospital trial in Spain showed vitamin D to produce phenomenal results in preventing the progression of COVID-19.
TIPS FOR supporting Immunity
As we enter the winter months immunity support is even more critical to reduce the impact of being infected by COVID-19.
Gatherings will be smaller, more intimate and many will be planned at the last minute, according to the latest local COVID-19 guidelines.
VITAMIN D, Pregnancy, and COVID-19
A virus has quickly, and very seriously, presented itself as a threat to all that we hold dear — taking lives, impacting our liberty and surely stealing our happiness.
VITAMIN D during pregnancy linked to CHILD'S IQ, study says
A mother’s vitamin D levels during pregnancy have been linked to the child’s IQ, with higher vitamin D levels correlating to a higher IQ in children ages 4 to 6 years old. Vitamin D could therefore promote brain development in the womb, but causation cannot yet be assumed here.
IMPROVING Your Health with a Plant-Based NUTRITION PLAN
As the plant-based trend continues to bring healthy alternatives to restaurants and grocery aisles, millions of Americans are opting for a nutrition plan that centers on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes.
Will Be Different
FIVE Grounding Tips for the Holiday Season
As we officially enter into the holiday season, anxiety hangs in the air, with so many worries.
Effective Stress Relievers that can calm your mind and body!
Stress can take a toll on your health in many ways, some of which you may not even realize what it’s doing to your body. You may blame that irritating headache, the pinched nerve in your neck, your frequent insomnia, or your decreased productivity at work on an illness. But stress may be the cause.
There's More to Beauty Than What's in the Eye of the Beholder
Demand for Respiratory Therapists On Rise Amid COVID-19
Thread Lifts Offer Less Invasive, More Affordable Option for Facial Rejuvenation
Right Mindset, Guidance Can Keep a New Exercise Program From Being Intimidating
Demand for Respiratory Therapists On Rise Amid COVID-19
Learn How to Fight the Signs of Aging
Enjoy Holiday Delights the Healthy Way
As we approach the holiday season, we usually expect that temptation will cause us to add a few pounds and maybe challenge our cholesterol levels. Usually, we feel the pleasure is worth the pain, and we are confident we will fix it with our New Year’s resolutions.
Be Mindful of COVID This Holiday Season
Dr. Joy Jackson, an internal medicine physician, serves the community as director of the Florida Department of Health in Polk County (DOH-Polk). For more information about DOHPolk, visit Follow DOH-Polk on Twitter at FLHealthPolk.