
Understanding the Interplay of Pleasure and Pain
It is our mentality to look for change. A continuous, steady-state of mind bores us.
Understanding Yoga In A Big Way
The Thinker
Without Pain, There Is No Gain in Life
Problems are a part of life, we should learn to master them happily From a Parisamvada by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra
ABC Of Having A Fake Conversation
We talk all the time, yet do we say anything at all? Or are we faking it most of the time?
Finding Wisdom In Everyday Things
There is wisdom in the things we do mechanically but do we know why we do them?
Continuous Long-Term Efforts Bring Good Results
Reaching any goal requires effort and patience
The Power of Chanting Mantra
Chanting Mantras regularly has many benefits for the mind and soul
Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana
The Truth - The God
And All Came Tumbling Down
Nature just rumbles along, our idioms and metaphors and beliefs notwithstanding
The Founder
Founder Shri Yogendraji's touch can be felt all around the Institute and beyond
Yoga Heals Our Body - An Eye Episode
The body has the intelligence to heal itself but are we listening?
Blackberries - Last Season's Reflections Resumed
We tend to forget that everything is connected but it is
Towards A Better Life through Yoga And Mindfulness
Yoga will come to the rescue when we least expect it
Finding A New Purpose Later In Life
What to do when our purpose in life has been fulfilled? We have to constantly look for a new one.
Is The Way We Spend Our Time Really Balanced?
The Purusharthas have been telling us how to spend our time wisely but like fools, we have been ignoring this ancient wisdom From a Parisamvada by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra
"If you support Dharma, then Dharma supports you"
The Thinker
Age Cannot Wither Her
We thank "Nature" that has made her!
The purpose of Asanas is not to bend ourselves into pretzels but rather to stand tall and steady
Of Weight and Value
The human mind has the power to create value and also to strip value
Shradhha v/s Curiosity (Jijnasa)
Are we curious enough or do we merely rely on our senses?
Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana
The Truth - The God
Suran Kadhi
October is the month of Dr. Smt.Hansaji's birth to whom students of yoga are extremely grateful. Her guidance has helped them be mindful of the smallest routine action and thus participate in life meaningfully.

Om -The Mystic Mantra
Hearing the cosmic rumble that is Om

Doing What We Do Best - Our Duty!
The Thinker

Benefits of Being Mindful
“Wherever you are, be there totally” - Eckhart Tolle

A Peaceful State Of Mind Starts With A Peaceful Attitude
It is up to us to turn any experience into a useful one

Having A ‘Sense-Luscious' Love Affair With Life!
Discovering our senses, one new experience at a time

Shri Yogendraji: Duty in Action
The one established in duty can achieve extraordinary things

Return to Samadhi
Looking at the meaning of Samadhi

My Extended Family
Treasuring those who are always there for us