Encounters With The Soul: Ramana Maharshi Graces Our Home
Strange, that the first time I heard about Ramana Maharshi was from a policeman of Santander, Spain, my student, Antonio Portoles.
Do your Duty...
But do it thoughtfully after understanding how and why it should be done
Connecting with Yoga
A brief introduction to the building blocks of yoga
Study And Training Of Emotions
Emotions can play havoc with our lives but one can learn to manage them
The Transition
Yoga can help deal with the changes a young girl goes through'.
Decades have gone by since The Yoga Institute and I, a Kailash tree, were born. Nurtured with the same love and care, Shri Yogendraji showed us the morn.
Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana
Always keep God with you, Dr Jayadeva used to say. This great text can help you do that
Kleshas are the Hindrance
There are five Kleshas and they have to be removed in order to attain Samadhi From a Parisamvada by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra
Because I am Worth It
We often stand in the way of our own happiness
Abhinivesha, one of the five Kleshas, is the fear of losing one’s name, one’s reputation, one’s life
A Sri Lankan Recipe
Spinach is rich in vitamins and mineral, and promotes healthy digestion
How Do Mystics Behave?
The mystic is not interested in miracles; he is merely interested in his spiritual growth.
Woman, Heal Thyself
No woman should overlook the right kind of food in order to look slim
The Yoga Sutrasof Patanjali – A Perspective Dr. Hansaji in Parisamvada
Only Change Is Constant - A meditation on the nature of change
The Virtue of Forgiveness
Forgiveness benefits the forgiver more than anyone else
The Three Gunas– Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
One should make attempts to stay in the Sattvik state.
The Assassin Who Came to Kill Me
In this light-hearted piece, the writer imagines how yoga could bring peace to a nation
Rhythm Of Rituals
Devdutt Pattanaik contrasts linear stories with circular rituals and the effect they have on us
An article on the attainment of the fixed intellect concentrated on God
Every Child Is Unique
Parents should be aware of their children’s talents and encourage them instead of driving them into areas they may not be interested in
A Balanced Mind
Yamas are meant to help us understand our own personality
Can One Get Too Happy?
Around 40 years back, a German doctor held a lecture on TCM, i.e. Traditional Chinese Medicine, which he had studied in China.
Yogic Ahara
Also known as Sakalpriy, Harimonth, Chanaka in Sanskrit and Cicer Arietinum in Latin, Chana or chickpeas are easily available and can be prepared in a variety of ways.
Politics and Yoga
Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra in Parisamvada
Chitta – The Tool of Infinite Awareness
Chitta is defined as a personality complex – a sum total of physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.
Your Happiness is Your Responsibility
All our actions have consequences that we have to face.
The Thinker
There are three technical words which are considered as the three deep-seated structures in our personality.
The Beginning
I feel grateful that over the last few months I could share my learnings from the Bhagavad Gita on Karma Yoga through this series.
The 102 Year Old Yoga Institute
The Yoga Institute as a teaching institute is a dream come true not just for the yoga students, but for thousands of Yogis and Sadhus, who unanimously envisioned the future of 'Mathas' and survival of 'Sanatan Dharma'.
Book Review 21 Steps to Improve your Marriage
This book is definitely going to help everyone who is already married but it also gives insight to those who are not married.