5 Facts About the New Covid Booster
What you need to know to further protect yourself & your loved ones
Acne Scars
Types & most effective treatment options
Yoga & Breast Cancer Management
A yoga research on 126 women revealed that, the ladies taking yoga exercise experienced a 12% betterment in physical weakness, physical functioning, and quality of living unlike those in the program who didn't take the yoga classes.
10 Different Skate Tricks You Can Master Easily
Skating tricks can be fun if you have a good balance and know-how to perform them well, however, without proper technique, you could end up sustaining severe injuries by attempting these tricks.
NATURAL FIXES Ear Seeding for Insomnia
Carefully placed beads could make slumber easier.
The Not-So-Secret Lives of Teens
If you’ve ever wondered what growing up in a digital world is like for a teenager, pick up the new book Behind Their Screens: What Teens Are Facing and Adults Are Missing) by Harvard researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James. They reveal some of the most fascinating insights from their latest research project, which sought to find out what issues today’s youth were dealing with online and the impact screens had on their lives. Here, they explain.
If you've been listening to popular nutrition advice, you may not have gotten the whole story, and you could be missing out on lots of foods you love. It's time to fill in the gaps.
DOES IT WORK? Fighting Hair Loss
How a sci-fi-looking helmet might help you get it back
Mass shootings and crime get the most attention, but more than half of people who die with firearms take their own lives. Misconceptions about guns and the psychology of suicide itself are getting in the way of keeping our loved ones safe. Here's what you need to know.
SEX & LOVE - How to Argue Over the Big Stuff
Got different values-about religion, politics, whatever? There are healthy (peaceful!) ways to talk about them.
You can get more flexibility and less pain with this easy move: It's an excellent way to strengthen and open up your hip joints.
Tangled in the Great Unknown
With so many developments in diagnosing disease, why do so many people-especially women spend years unraveling medical mysteries?
At the first sign of illness whether it's the sniffles, a cough, or chills-take these steps throughout the day to feel better faster.
Easy and delicious tricks to help you enjoy your favorite textures and flavors in better-for-you ways, from Marisa Moore, M.B.A., R.D.N., an integrative dietitian at
BEAUTY Antioxidants, Explained
These skincare wonders can give you brighter, smoother complexion.
FOLIC ACID: The Best Tool To Prevent Neural Tube Defects
Folic acid is an important part of planning for a healthy pregnancy.
Gen Z Star GIGI ROBINSON "Everything You Need is Within"
Gigi Robinson is born and raised in Manhattan, the 24-year-old is a New Yorker through and through!
Pain is the first sign that something is wrong with the body.
STOP Counting CALORIES+ 11 Things To Do
If you think calorie counting is such a waste of time, what do I do instead? How do I prevent myself from eating too much? How do I stay at the same weight, year after year? The answer is simple.
REVERE DIETING TO Boost Your Metabolism
Amanda Edell began her fitness journey as an athlete when she was 12 years old.
Breathe Better for Your Whole Body
Exhale, taking twice as long as you did to inhale.
The Myopia Generation
Why do so many kids need glasses now?
"Help! I have caregiver burnout!"
One in four women looks after a loved one, and more than 40% admit they are exhausted. Here, easy ways to boost energy and take care of you
There's Only One Right Way to... Build the Ultimate BLT
The experts: Andrew Markert and Bart Hutchins are the co-chefs of Fight Club, a sandwich-centric restaurant in Washington, D. C.
Zac Efron Rides Again
He has been a child star, a fitness pinup, a leading man, an onscreen himbo, and an environmental activist. But Zac efron hasn't always been healthy. Now he's reinventing himself again. And he wants to do it right
Every Body is Perfect
There's a segment of physically active men we don't hear from enough—on social media, on TV, in the pages of this magazine. Men who seem to have figured out the balance between striving and satisfaction. They may care about those puffy fat folds around their armpits. Or love handles that won't go away no matter how much lat work they do. Or dimples on their ass.
"The honeybee secret that cured my asthma!"
Coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath plagued Sandy Murphy for years, until she discovered a unique remedy...made in a beehive!
What does "Your body keeps the score" really mean?
Nobody, including your therapist, your friends, and Twitter, can stop talking about The Body Keeps the Score right now-eight years after it was published. You might want to listen.
Cody Blue Snider's Psychedelic Quest
When traditional meds failed to help with his anxiety and depression, Snider (the son of rocker Dee Snider) set out on a journey to uncover the mysteries and potential magic of psychedelic treatments. Was it worth the trip?
Itzhak Perlman – 'Absolutely Ridiculous'
Violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman lost the use of his legs as a young child. Now he's angry about the resurgence of the disease and that some people aren't getting vaccinated