It's Not About the Shape
“Action Hiro” Landazuri shares his Body Smart Yoga, focusing on muscle sensations and effort over the endgame of a pose.
Sex can build intimacy and improve your health. If stress, meds, or hormonal shifts have zapped your drive, these fixes can rev it back up.
A ROBERT STURMAN has traveled the world photographing people doing yoga. Here's how these trips have expanded his view of the practice and how his vision can inspire yours.
Is Your Routine Actually Keeping You Stuck in a Rut?
What's the difference between having some structure in your life and feeling like you're on repeat? It has a lot to do with perspective.
I'm a Survivor
How yoga served me on the set of a reality TV competition.
How Well Do You Know Your Abs?
Your abdominals are (literally) at the center of everything. Here's what you need to know to use them smartly and safely during your yoga practice and the rest of the time, too.
A Walk in the Park
Connecting with wild plants taught me to be present and to really see things that I had previously only noticed.
A Gentler Approach to Ashtanga
Yoga teacher Pranidhi Varshney sets aside the conventional emphasis on perfection and instead values progress of a different sort.
5 Ways to Boost Your Heart Health
Keep Your Ticker in Tip-top Shape With These Simple Tips
Battery-boosted bikes are becoming a popular option to evolve your commute, or to just tool around for fun on the weekend. But when do basic e-bikes cross the line into being retro-styled, de facto motorcycles? When our editors take them for a spin.
In a remote corner of the South Pacific a fearless free diver has befriended sharks.
The famed carmaker has recently slipped from view. Its new MC20 demands to be seen.
5 Habits for Healthy Aging
Look and feel your best as you grow older by following these simple, good-for-you steps
A Walk by the River
One man's epic, six-year trek along the entire length of the Amazon nears its final steps.
Will This Covid Star Get a Second Act?
Vir scored with monoclonal antibodies in the pandemic’s early days. Now it needs more
Inspiring Stories
There’s a fine line between Tadding enough concealer to your face to cover what you want hidden and adding too much and getting Creasey. To fix this under your eyes, use a fluffy eyeshadow brush or your finger to softly smooth out the creases.
FITNESS Companion The Hunt Goes On
Temptations seem to hang around us in form of foods at joints, in the refrigerator, the kitchen, at the canteen etc. At times when one is low and wants to jeopardize all the effort put in for weight management and fitness the need arises for a fitness friend or companion to prevent dropping out.
Yoga Asanas To Heal Neck Pain
Your neck is a complex interlocking structure consisting of bones, joints, nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Neck pain or a stiff neck can result from a sprain after bending your neck into an abnormal position (for example, by sleeping on too many pillows, acute torticollis), from poor posture, or even from sitting in a draught for too long.
Turn Gardening Into A Complete Body Workout
Trust me you could turn gardening into a complete body workout, and at the same time make your environment more beautiful.
5 Love-Handle Bursting Exercises
Abs is a problem area for many women, however building a strong core is the best solution.
Top 4 Best Cardio Exercises For Pregnant Women
Here are five of the best cardio exercises for pregnant women.
Water a Versatile Nutrient
It’s about time for water to get its due.
Why Structure First?
Dr. Ichak Adizes is an expert in change management for organizations. Here he shares his experience of how to bring new strategy into an organization by first meeting the organization where it is at, honoring the existing structure and personnel, and building new strategy collaboratively.
Psst... You're Looking at Anxiety All Wrong
Suffering from bouts of anxiety? If your first reaction is to go into a tailspin analyzing, dissecting or running from it, social psychologist Amy Johnson, PhD, suggests trying something radically different: Embrace it.
Flex Plan
How being a part-time vegan makes you healthier.
Mind Your Mushrooms
Adding fungi to your meals might hold the key to balancing mind and body.
Bits & Bites 3 Ways With Sunflower Seeds
These small-but-mighty seeds are usually enjoyed whole, but we cleverly worked the healthful superheroes into three nutritious dishes.
Tick, Tock
Boost your energy and your health by taking your herbs, supplements and vitamins at just the right time.
Drop It Like It's Hot
It's frustrating: You've been working to build healthier habits but aren't seeing a boost in energy or confidence. The truth is, your daily efforts might not be as helpful as you hoped. Check your routine for the following traps.
Tame the Flames: 6 Antiinflammatory Supplements
Double down on your efforts to lower inflammation in the body with these powerful anti-inflammatory supplements