The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Enjoying life from the sidelines
A Journey Within
Thoughts on 7-Day Health Camp at The Yoga Institute
"You are Not God"
Learning when to let go
Ignorance Is All Around
Preventing anger, tension and anxiety
In the Footsteps of a Stithaprajna
At the feet of a Yogi
Strengthening Philosophical Thinking
Finding the thoughts that matter From a Parisamvada
The Significance Of A Smile
Infuse joy into your and someone else's life
Keeping The Mind Busy How And What To Think
Thinking cannot solve anything; thinking cannot give us permanent pleasure. It is just - in a way - a waste of time.
बड़ी गुणकारी हैं तुलसी
तुलसी एक औषधीय पौधा है जिसमें विटामिन और खनिज प्रचुर मात्रा में पाए जाते हैं। सभी रोगों को दूर करने और शारीरिक शक्ति बढ़ाने वाले गुणों से भरपूर है।
मन का गिलास भरें..
कहते हैं जीवन सकारात्मक तरीके से जीना चाहिये, हम सभी यह जानते भी हैं, करना चाहते भी हैं परन्तु कई बार किसी के व्यवहार से, कभी परिस्थिति के अचानक आ जाने से, कभी शारीरिक तौर पर, कभी मानसिक तौर पर, कभी गुस्से के कारण हम परेशान होकर सकारात्मक नहीं रह पाते व कब नकारात्मक हो जाते हैं समझ ही नहीं पाते और मन का भरा गिलास खाली होता जाता है।
भविष्य में अपने को कैसा देखना चाहते हैं - आज तय करें
आप आज जहाँ भी हैं, कैसा भी काम कर रहे हैं। आज अपने जीवन के लक्ष्य को पर विचार करें व तय करें कि आप 20 साल बाद कहाँ पहुँचना चाहते हैं। यह तय करने के पश्चात उस पर अपनी योजना भी बना लें, पर योजना बनाने से ही कुछ नहीं होगा उस पर अमल भी करना होगा। कई बार हम योजना पर पूरी तरह चल नहीं पाते। तो जानिये कि किस तरह से काम करें -
तटस्थता (detachment) से स्पष्टता बढ़ती है।
कभी-कभी जिन चीज़ों से व्यक्ति को लगाव हो जाता है वह उन्हें चाहकर भी नहीं छोड़ पाता बल्कि जितना संभव हो सके उसके करीब रहने की कोशिश करता है। वास्तव में इस स्थिति में वस्तु को अच्छे से देख नहीं पाते हालांकि हम उसके बहुत पास होते हैं।
यम यानि क्या - अहिंसासत्यास्तेय ब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रहा यमाः ।।2.30।।
सूत्रार्थ - अहिंसा, सत्य, अस्तेय, ब्रह्मचर्य, अपरिग्रह ये पाँच यम हैं, यानि दूसरों को दुःख न देना, सत्य बोलना, दूसरों की वस्तुओं या धन आदि का अपहरण न करना, ब्रह्मचर्य से रहना तथा संचय वृत्ति का न होना यम कहलाता है।
Just jackfruit for breakfast and nothing else! This is the practice of south Indians during the jackfruit season, especially in Mysore.
Who is your best friend?
Mesmerising Mantras and Magical Moments
Tapping into our inner strength
Dear Problem, I Have a Big God
Change your perspective and attitude
Those Who Give Gifts Voluntarily are Truly Rare and Great
The age-old tradition of gift-giving
Viparit Karani
A pose full of mystery and benefits
The Journey is the Reward
Accept what life gives you and enjoy the ride
What Is My Duty?
Tackling one of the fundamental questions of life
48 Days And New Habits: The Promising Period Of Mandalam
In many cultures, the idea of Mandalam, which is a period of 48 days, holds significant importance. It is believed that to ensure a new habit is fully integrated into your system, one must practice the habit consistently for one Mandalam. This concept has been passed down through generations and is grounded in the belief that it takes 48 days for a new behaviour to become a natural part of one's routine.
'No' Is The New 'Yes': Learning To Be Firm On One's Decision
Perhaps no other word is associated with negativity as much as the word "No". It cancellation etc., all having strong negative connotations.
Patta Ajwain
In this article we discuss a multipurpose herb that can be used to do everything from adding flavour to Pakoras to making laundry smell better!
Avidya to Vidya: Unlearn to relearn
The Yoga Institute wanted us to contemplate on our Avidya. I was amused. I had pursued twenty years of formal education - my pride, which had secured me a very well-paying job back in 1996. Could I have Avidya at all?
Life Can Wait To Happen: When change is inevitable
Dawn is established only after the darkest hour of the night. A seemingly unending journey in the tunnel disappears as soon light is sighted at the end.
....and then it Happens! - The path to self-realization
My colleagues and I always had a Mquestion, or rather a confusion, in our minds. And we kept searching for answers for the first six months when we joined The Yoga Institute.
Aging Parent as Cost Centre - Returns on investment are hard to come by
Shravan Kumar carried his parents in a basket to every pilgrim site in India. This story, which forms part of the Ramayana, is told by every Indian parent to illustrate what a good child, or rather good son, is supposed to be. But reality is often the opposite. The Takkala Jataka tells the story of the Buddha who at a young age starts digging a grave for his parents, after he observes his father digging a grave for his grandparents, while they are still alive. Of course, the Jataka, like modern soap operas, blames the daughter-in-law for the cruelty of the son.
New Year - 2024: Reflecting on the old before embracing the new
The New Year is waiting in the wings, just about to be ushered in with a lot of fanfare and celebrations. It is another milestone in our lives, with the completion of one year and the beginning of another. Let us take a few moments to review the year gone by.
Svadhyaya - Using the Antarayas for our very own SWOT analysis
It is this time of the year again when we charged with the energy of the New Year jump into all kinds of resolutions regarding what we want to improve in our life. These are usually short-lived because we are either too ambitious and reaching for the stars in our goals or because we do not go about integrating them in a systematic manner.